Meaning of FLIP in English

[flip] vb flipped ; flip.ping [prob. imit.] vt (1616) 1: to toss so as to cause to turn over in the air "~ a coin"; also: toss "~ me the ball" "~ one end of the scarf over your shoulder"

2. a: to cause to turn and esp. to turn over "flipped the car" "flipping the pages of" b: to move with a small quick motion "~ a switch" ~ vi 1: to make a twitching or flicking movement "the fish flipped and flopped on the deck"; also: to change from one position to another and esp. turn over "the car flipped"

2: leaf

2. "flipped through the pages" 3 slang a: to lose one's mind or composure--often used with out b: to become very enthusiastic

[2]flip n (1695) 1: a mixed drink usu. consisting of a sweetened spiced liquor with beaten eggs

2: an act or instance of flipping

3: the motion used in flipping

4: a somersault esp. in the air [3]flip adj (ca. 1847): flippant, impertinent

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