Meaning of FLIP in English

Synonyms and related words :

about-face, afterthoughts, all jaw, anger, be angry, be excitable, beak, beat, bellow, better thoughts, bicker, biggety, blow a gasket, blow up, bluff, bob, bowl, brash, brush, bunt, candid, cast, catapult, catch fire, catch the infection, change of mind, change of pace, change-up, chatty, cheeky, chuck, chunk, chutzpadik, cocky, come apart, come unstuck, communicative, contemptuous, conversational, crack, crack up, crusty, curve, dab, dance, dart, dash, derisive, disrespectful, downcurve, effusive, excite easily, expansive, explode, facy, fastball, fillip, fire, fire up, flame up, flap, flare up, flash up, flick, flicker, fling, flip out, flip-flop, flippant, flirt, flit, flitter, flop, flounce, fluent, flutter, fork, forward pass, frank, freak, freak out, fresh, gabby, gally, garrulous, gassy, get excited, glib, go berserk, go crazy, go haywire, go into hysterics, go mad, go pitapat, go to pieces, gossipy, gratuitous, graze, gregarious, gushy, gutter, have a tantrum, heave, hit the ceiling, hitch, hurl, hurtle, impertinent, impudent, incurve, jerk, jig, jigger, jigget, jiggle, jog, joggle, knuckleball, lance, lateral, lateral pass, launch, let fly, lob, long-winded, loquacious, lose courage, lose self-control, malapert, mature judgment, multiloquent, multiloquious, nervy, newsy, outcurve, overtalkative, palpitate, pass, pat, peck, peg, pelt, pert, pick, pitch, pitchfork, pitter-patter, pluck, prolix, pulse, put, put the shot, rage, ramp, rant, rant and rave, rap, rave, reversal, reverse, right-about, right-about-face, rude, run a temperature, sassy, saucy, screwball, second thoughts, seethe, serve, service, shot-put, shy, sinker, slat, slider, sling, smart, smart-alecky, smart-ass, smolder, smooth, snake, snap, snatch, sociable, spin, spitball, spitter, splutter, sputter, start, storm, sudden pull, take fire, talkative, talky, tap, tergiversating, tergiversation, throb, throw, tickle, tilt, tip, toss, touch, turn, turn a hair, turnabout, turnaround, tweak, twist, twitch, uncalled-for, upcurve, verbose, volte-face, voluble, wave, waver, whisk, windy, wise-ass, wrench, yank, yerk

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