Meaning of FLOCK in English

[flock] n [ME, fr. OE flocc crowd, band; akin to ON flokkr crowd, band] (13c) 1: a group of birds or mammals assembled or herded together

2: a group under the guidance of a leader; esp: a church congregation

3: a large number "a ~ of tourists"

[2]flock vi (14c): to gather or move in a flock "they ~ed to the beach" [3]flock n [ME flok, fr. OF floc, fr. L floccus] (13c) 1: a tuft of wool or cotton fiber

2: woolen or cotton refuse used for stuffing furniture and mattresses

3: very short or pulverized fiber used esp. to form a velvety pattern on cloth or paper or a protective covering on metal

4: floc [4]flock vt (1530) 1: to fill with flock

2: to decorate with flock

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