[grate] vb grat.ed ; grat.ing [ME, fr. MF grater to scratch, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG krazzon to scratch] vt (14c) 1 archaic: abrade
2: to reduce to small particles by rubbing on something rough "~ cheese"
3: fret, irritate
4. a: to gnash or grind noisily b: to cause to make a rasping sound c: to utter in a harsh voice ~ vi 1: to rub or rasp noisily
2: to cause irritation: jar "dry, cerebral talk that tends to ~ on the nerves --Hollis Alpert" -- grat.er n -- grat.ing.ly adv
[2]grate n [ME, fr. ML crata, grata hurdle, alter. of L cratis--more at hurdle] (14c) 1 a: a barred frame for cooking over a fire b: a frame or bed of iron bars to hold a stove or furnace fire c: fireplace
2: grating
2. 3 obs: cage, prison [3]grate vt grat.ed ; grat.ing (1547): to furnish with a grate