Meaning of LEVEL in English

[lev.el] n [ME, plumb line, fr. MF livel, fr. (assumed) VL libellum, alter. of L libella, fr. dim. of libra weight, balance] (14c) 1: a device for establishing a horizontal line or plane by means of a bubble in a liquid that shows adjustment to the horizontal by movement to the center of a slightly bowed glass tube

2: a measurement of the difference of altitude of two points by means of a level

3: horizontal condition; esp: equilibrium of a fluid marked by a horizontal surface of even altitude "water seeks its own ~"

4. a: an approximately horizontal line or surface taken as an index of altitude b: a practically horizontal surface or area (as of land)

5: a position in a scale or rank "funded at the national ~"

6. a: a line or surface that cuts perpendicularly all plumb lines that it meets and hence would everywhere coincide with a surface of still water b: the plane of the horizon or a line in it 7: a horizontal passage in a mine intended for regular working and transportation 8: a concentration of a constituent esp. of a body fluid (as blood) 9: the magnitude of a quantity considered in relation to an arbitrary reference value; broadly: magnitude, intensity "a high ~ of hostility" -- on the level : bona fide, honest

[2]level vb -eled or -elled ; -el.ing or -el.ling vt (15c) 1: to make (a line or surface) horizontal: make flat or level "~ a field" "~ off a house lot"

2. a: to bring to a horizontal aiming position b: aim, direct "~ed a charge of fraud"

3: to bring to a common level or plane: equalize "love ~s all ranks --W. S. Gilbert"

4. a: to lay level with or as if with the ground: raze b: to knock down "~ed him with one punch"

5: to make (as color) even or uniform

6: to find the heights of different points in (a piece of land) esp. with a surveyor's level ~ vi 1: to attain or come to a level "the plane ~ed off at 10,000 feet"

2: to aim a gun or other weapon horizontally

3: to bring persons or things to a level

4: to deal frankly and openly [3]level adj (15c) 1 a: having no part higher than another: conforming to the curvature of the liquid parts of the earth's surface b: parallel with the plane of the horizon: horizontal

2. a: even or unvarying in height b: equal in advantage, progression, or standing c: proceeding monotonously or uneventfully d (1): steady, unwavering "gave him a ~ look" (2): calm, unexcited "spoke in ~ tones"

3: reasonable, balanced "arrive at a justly proportional and ~ judgment on this affair --Sir Winston Churchill"

4: distributed evenly "~ stress"

5: being a surface perpendicular to all lines of force in a field of force: equipotential

6: suited to a particular rank or plane of ability or achievement "top-level thinking" 7: of or relating to the spreading out of a cost or charge in even payments over a period of time -- lev.el.ly adv -- lev.el.ness n -- level best : very best syn level, flat, plane, even, smooth mean having a surface without bends, curves, or irregularities. level applies to a horizontal surface that lies on a line parallel with the horizon "the vast prairies are nearly level". flat applies to a surface devoid of noticeable curvatures, prominences, or depressions "the work surface must be flat". plane applies to any real or imaginary flat surface in which a straight line between any two points on it lies wholly within that surface "the plane sides of a crystal". even applies to a surface that is noticeably flat or level or to a line that is observably straight "trim the hedge so it is even". smooth applies esp. to a polished surface free of irregularities "a smooth skating rink".

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