Meaning of LOOK in English

[look] vb [ME, fr. OE locian; akin to OS locon to look] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to make sure or take care (that something is done)

2: to ascertain by the use of one's eyes 3 a: to exercise the power of vision upon: examine b archaic: to search for

4. a: expect, anticipate "we ~ to have a good year" b: to have in mind as an end "~ing to win back some lost profits"

5. archaic: to bring into a place or condition by the exercise of the power of vision

6: to express by the eyes or facial expression 7: to have an appearance that befits or accords with ~ vi 1 a: to exercise the power of vision: see b: to direct one's attention "~ upon the future with hope" c: to direct the eyes

2: to have the appearance or likelihood of being: seem "it ~s unlikely" "~s to be hard work"

3: to have a specified outlook "the house ~ed east"

4: to gaze in wonder or surprise: stare

5: to show a tendency "the evidence ~s to acquittal" syn see expect -- look after : to take care of -- look at : consider 1 "looking at the possibility of relocating" -- look down one's nose : to view something with arrogance, disdain, or disapproval -- look for : to await with hope or anticipation -- look forward : to anticipate with pleasure or satisfaction "looking forward to your visit" -- look into : explore 1a -- look the other way : to direct one's attention away from something unpleasant or troublesome -- look to 1: to direct one's attention to "looking to the future"

2: to rely upon "looks to reading for relaxation"

[2]look n (13c) 1 a: the act of looking b: glance

2. a: the expression of the countenance b: physical appearance; esp: attractive physical appearance--usu. used in pl. c: a combination of design features giving a unified appearance "a new ~ in women's fashions"

3: the state or form in which something appears

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