[pas.sage] n (13c) 1 a: a way of exit or entrance: a road, path, channel, or course by which something passes b: a corridor or lobby giving access to the different rooms or parts of a building or apartment
2. a: the action or process of passing from one place, condition, or stage to another b: death 1 c: a continuous movement or flow "the ~ of time" 3 a (1): a specific act of traveling or passing esp. by sea or air (2): a privilege of conveyance as a passenger: accommodations b: the passing of a legislative measure or law: enactment
4: a right, liberty, or permission to pass
5. a: something that happens or is done: incident b: something that takes place between two persons mutually
6. a: a usu. brief portion of a written work or speech that is relevant to a point under discussion or noteworthy for content or style b: a phrase or short section of a musical composition c: a detail of a work of art (as a painting) 7: the act or action of passing something or undergoing a passing 8: incubation of a pathogen (as a virus) in culture, a living organism, or a developing egg
[2]passage vb pas.saged ; pas.sag.ing vi (1824): to go past or across: cross ~ vt: to subject to passage "passaged a virus"