Meaning of RAY in English

[ray] n [ME raye, fr. MF raie, fr. L raia] (14c): any of an order (Rajiformes) of cartilaginous fishes (as stingrays and skates) having the body flattened dorsoventrally, the eyes on the upper surface, and enlarged pectoral fins fused with the head

[2]ray n [ME, fr. MF rai, fr. L radius rod, ray] (14c) 1 a: any of the lines of light that appear to radiate from a bright object b: a beam of radiant energy (as light) of small cross section c (1): a stream of material particles traveling in the same line (as in radioactive phenomena) (2): a single particle of such a stream

2. a: light cast by rays: radiance b: a moral or intellectual light

3: a thin line suggesting a ray: as a: any of a group of lines diverging from a common center b: half line

4. a: one of the bony rods that extend and support the membrane in the fin of a fish b: one of the radiating divisions of the body of a radiate animal (as a starfish)

5. a: a branch or flower stalk of an umbel b (1): medullary ray (2): vascular ray c: ray flower 1

6: particle, trace "~ of hope" -- rayed adj [3]ray vi (1598) 1 a: to shine in or as if in rays b: to issue as rays

2: to extend like the radii of a circle: radiate ~ vt 1: to emit in rays

2: to furnish or mark with rays

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