[re.fer] vb re.ferred ; re.fer.ring [ME referren, fr. L referre to bring back, report, refer, fr. re- + ferre to carry--more at bear] vt (14c) 1 a (1): to think of, regard, or classify within a general category or group (2): to explain in terms of a general cause b: to allot to a particular place, stage, or period c: to regard as coming from or located in a specific area
2. a: to send or direct for treatment, aid, information, or decision "~ a patient to a specialist" "~ a bill back to a committee" b: to direct for testimony or guaranty as to character or ability ~ vi 1 a: to have relation or connection: relate b: to direct attention usu. by clear and specific mention "no one referred to yesterday's quarrel"
2: to have recourse: glance briefly "referred frequently to his notes while speaking" -- re.fer.able adj -- re.fer.rer n