v. 1 Often, refer to. allude to, make reference to, mention, make mention of, touch on, bring up, advert to, speak of, turn or call or direct attention to, direct to, point to, indicate, specify, name, concern, quote, cite, make a note of, take note of, note A footnote refers to the author's article on netsukes 2 assign, hand over, pass on or over, send, direct, commit I was referred to your office for information about rates The question will be referred to committee. 3 Usually, refer to. look at, use, study, check, consult, resort to, have recourse to, turn to, appeal to, confer with; talk to, ask, inquire or enquire of, apply to For information about words, you should refer to a dictionary Refer to the departmental office for Professor Clarke's address. 4 Usually, refer to. mean, signify, denote, say: What are you referring to?
Meaning of REFER in English
Oxford thesaurus English vocab. Английский словарь Оксфорд тезаурус. 2012