v. (referred, referring) (usu. foll. by to)
1. tr. trace or ascribe (to a person or thing as a cause or source) (referred their success to their popularity).
2 tr. consider as belonging (to a certain date or place or class).
3 tr. send on or direct (a person, or a question for decision) (the matter was referred to arbitration; referred him to her previous answer).
4 intr. make an appeal or have recourse to (some authority or source of information) (referred to his notes).
5 tr. send (a person) to a medical specialist etc.
6 tr. (foll. by back to) send (a proposal etc.) back to (a lower body, court, etc.).
7 intr. (foll. by to) (of a person speaking) make an allusion or direct the hearer's attention (decided not to refer to our other problems).
8 intr. (foll. by to) (of a statement etc.) have a particular relation; be directed (this paragraph refers to the events of last year).
9 tr. (foll. by to) interpret (a statement) as being directed to (a particular context etc.).
10 tr. fail (a candidate in an examination).
Phrases and idioms:
referred pain pain felt in a part of the body other than its actual source. refer to drawer a banker's note suspending payment of a cheque.
referable adj. referrer n.
Etymology: ME f. OF referer f. L referre carry back (as RE-, ferre bring)