[re.port] n [ME, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. reporter to report, fr. L reportare, fr. re- + portare to carry--more at fare] (14c) 1 a: common talk or an account spread by common talk: rumor b: quality of reputation "a witness of good ~"
2. a: a usu. detailed account or statement "a news ~" b: an account or statement of a judicial opinion or decision c: a usu. formal record of the proceedings of a meeting or session
3: an explosive noise -- on report : subject to disciplinary action
[2]report vt (14c) 1 a: to give an account of: relate b: to describe as being in a specified state "~ed him much improved"
2. a: to serve as carrier of (a message) b: to relate the words or sense of (something said) c: to make a written record or summary of d (1): to watch for and write about the newsworthy aspects or developments of: cover (2): to prepare or present an account of for broadcast 3 a (1): to give a formal or official account or statement of "the treasurer ~ed a balance of ten dollars" (2): to return or present (a matter referred for consideration) with conclusions or recommendations b: to announce or relate as the result of investigation "~ed no sign of disease" c: to announce the presence, arrival, or sighting of d: to make known to the proper authorities "~ a fire" e: to make a charge of misconduct against ~ vi 1 a: to give an account: tell b: to present oneself c: to account for oneself "~ed sick on Friday"
2: to make, issue, or submit a report
3: to act in the capacity of a reporter