[row] vb [ME, fr. OE rowan; akin to MHG ruejen to row, L remus oar] vi (bef. 12c) 1: to propel a boat by means of oars
2: to move by or as if by the propulsion of oars ~ vt 1 a: to propel with or as if with oars b: to be equipped with (a specified number of oars) c (1): to participate in (a rowing match) (2): to compete against in rowing (3): to pull (an oar) in a crew
2: to transport in an oar-propelled boat -- row.er n
[2]row n (1832): an act or instance of rowing [3]row n [ME rawe; akin to OE raew row, OHG riga line, and perh. to Skt rikhati he scratches] (13c) 1: a number of objects arranged in a usu. straight line "a ~ of bottles"; also: the line along which such objects are arranged "planted the corn in parallel ~s"
2. a: way, street b: a street or area dominated by a specific kind of enterprise or occupancy "doctors' ~"
3: twelve-tone row
4. a: a continuous strip usu. running horizontally or parallel to a base line b: a horizontal arrangement of items -- in a row : one after another: successively [4]row vt (1657): to form into rows [5]row n [origin unknown] (1746): a noisy disturbance or quarrel [6]row vi (1797): to engage in a row: have a quarrel