Meaning of SET in English

[set] vb set ; set.ting [ME setten, fr. OE settan; akin to OHG sezzen to set, OE sittan to sit] vt (bef. 12c) 1: to cause to sit: place in or on a seat

2. a: to put (a fowl) on eggs to hatch them b: to put (eggs) for hatching under a fowl or into an incubator

3: to place (oneself) in position to start running in a race

4. a: to place with care or deliberate purpose and with relative stability "~ a ladder against the wall" "~ a stone on the grave" b: transplant 1 "~ seedlings" c (1): to make (as a trap) ready to catch prey (2): to fix (a hook) firmly into the jaw of a fish d: to put aside (as dough containing yeast) for fermenting

5: to direct with fixed attention "~ your mind to it"

6. a: to cause to assume a specified condition, relation, or occupation "slaves were ~ free" "~ the house on fire" b: to cause the start of "~ a fire"

7. a: to appoint or assign to an office or duty b: post, station 8: to cause to assume a specified posture or position "~ the door ajar"

9. a: to fix as a distinguishing imprint, sign, or appearance "the years have ~ their mark on him" b: affix c: apply "~ a match to kindling" 10: to fix or decide on as a time, limit, or regulation: prescribe "~ a wedding day" "~ the rules for the game" 11 a: to establish as the highest level or best performance "~ a record for the half mile" b: to furnish as a pattern or model "~ an example of generosity" c: to allot as a task "setting lessons for the children to work upon at home --Manchester Examiner" 12 a: to adjust (a device and esp. a measuring device) to a desired position "~ the alarm for 7:00" "~ a thermostat at 68"; also: to adjust (as a clock) in conformity with a standard b: to restore to normal position or connection when dislocated or fractured "~ a broken bone" c: to spread to the wind "~ the sails" 13 a: to put in order for use "~ a place for a guest" b: to make scenically ready for a performance "~ the stage" c (1): to arrange (type) for printing "~ type by hand" (2): to put into type or its equivalent (as on film) "~ the first word in italic" 14 a: to put a fine edge on by grinding or honing "~ a razor" b: to bend slightly the tooth points of (a saw) alternately in opposite directions c: to sink (the head of a nail) below the surface 15: to fix in a desired position (as by heating or stretching) 16: to arrange (hair) in a desired style by using implements (as curlers, rollers, or clips) and gels or lotions 17 a: to adorn with something affixed or infixed: stud, dot "clear sky ~ with stars" b: to fix (as a precious stone) in : to begin to do -- set apart 1: to reserve to a particular use

2: to make noticeable or outstanding -- set aside 1: to put to one side: discard

2: to reserve for a purpose: save

3: dismiss

4: annul, overrule -- set at : to mount an attack on: assail "would go although ... devils should set at me --Charlotte Yonge" -- set eyes on : to catch sight of -- set foot in : enter -- set foot on : to step onto -- set forth 1: to give an account or statement of

2: to start out on a journey -- set forward 1: further

2: to start out on a journey -- set in motion : to give impulse to "sets the story in motion vividly --Howard Thompson" -- set one's hand to : to become engaged in -- set one's heart on : resolve vt

5. "she set her heart on going to medical school" -- set one's house in order : to organize one's affairs -- set one's sights on : to determine to pursue -- set one's teeth on edge : irritate, annoy -- set one straight : to correct someone by providing accurate information -- set sail : to start out on a course; esp: to begin a voyage "set sail for Bermuda" -- set store by or set store on : to consider valuable, trustworthy, or worthwhile -- set the stage : to provide the basis or background "this trend will set the stage for higher earnings" -- set to music : to provide music or instrumental accompaniment for (a text) -- set upon : to attack usu. with violence "the dogs set upon the trespassers"

[2]set n (14c) 1 a: the act or action of setting b: the condition of being set

2: a number of things of the same kind that belong or are used together "an electric train ~" 3 a: mental inclination, tendency, or habit: bent "a ~ toward mathematics" b: a state of psychological preparedness usu. of limited duration for action in response to an anticipated stimulus or situation "the influence of mental ~ on the effect experienced with marijuana"

4: direction of flow "the ~ of the wind"

5: form or carriage of the body or of its parts "her face took on a cynical ~ --Raymond Kennedy"

6: the manner of fitting or of being placed or suspended "in order to give the skirt a pretty ~ --Mary J. Howell" 7: amount of deflection from a straight line "~ of a saw's teeth" 8: permanent change of form (as of metal) due to repeated or excessive stress 9: the act or result of arranging hair by curling or waving

10. also sett a: a young plant or rooted cutting ready for transplanting b: a small bulb, corm, or tuber or a piece of tuber used for propagation "onion ~s" 11 or sett : the burrow of a badger 12: the width of the body of a piece of type 13: an artificial setting for a scene of a theatrical or film production 14 also sett : a rectangular paving stone of sandstone or granite 15: a division of a tennis match won by the side that wins at least six games beating the opponent by two games or by winning a tiebreaker 16: a collection of books or periodicals forming a unit 17: a clutch of eggs 18: the basic formation in a country-dance or square dance 19: a session of music (as jazz or dance music) usu. followed by an intermission; also: the music played at one session 20: a group of persons associated by common interests 21: a collection of elements and esp. mathematical ones (as numbers or points)--called also class 22: an apparatus of electronic components assembled so as to function as a unit "a television ~" 23: a usu. offensive formation in football or basketball 24: a group of a specific number of repetitions of a particular exercise [3]set adj [ME sett, fr. OE gesett, pp. of settan] (14c) 1: intent, determined "~ upon going"

2: intentional, premeditated "did it of ~ purpose"

3: fixed by authority or appointment: prescribed, specified "~ hours of study"

4: reluctant to change "~ in their ways"

5. a: immovable, rigid "~ frown" b: built-in "a ~ tub"

6: settled, persistent "~ defiance" 7: being in readiness: prepared "~ for an early morning start"

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