[shell] n [ME, fr. OE sciell; akin to OE scealu shell, ON skel, Lith skelti to split, Gk skallein to hoe] (bef. 12c) 1 a: a hard rigid usu. largely calcareous covering or support of an animal b: the hard or tough often thin outer covering of an egg (as of a bird or reptile)--see egg illustration
2: the covering or outside part of a fruit or seed esp. when hard or fibrous
3: shell material (as of mollusks or turtles) or their substance
4: something that resembles a shell: as a: a framework or exterior structure; esp: a building with an unfinished interior b (1): an external case or outside covering "the ~ of a ship" (2): a thin usu. spherical layer or surface enclosing a space or surrounding an object "an expanding ~ of gas around a neutron star" c: a casing without substance "mere effigies and ~s of men --Thomas Carlyle" d: an edible crust for holding a filling "a pastry ~" e: band shell f: a small beer glass g: an unlined article of outerwear
5: a shell-bearing mollusk
6: an impersonal attitude or manner that conceals the presence or absence of feeling "he retreated into his ~" 7: a narrow light racing boat propelled by one or more persons pulling oars or sculls 8: any of the spaces occupied by the orbits of a group of electrons of approximately equal energy surrounding the nucleus of an atom
9. a: a projectile for cannon containing an explosive bursting charge b: a metal or paper case which holds the charge of powder and shot or bullet used with breech-loading small arms 10: a plain usu. sleeveless blouse or sweater 11: a company or corporation that exists without assets or independent operations as a legal entity through which another company or corporation can conduct various dealings -- shell adj
[2]shell vt (1562) 1 a: to take out of a natural enclosing cover (as a shell, husk, pod, or capsule) "~ peanuts" b: to separate the kernels of (as an ear of Indian corn, wheat, or oats) from the cob, ear, or husk
2: to throw shells at, upon, or into: bombard
3: to score heavily against (as an opposing pitcher in baseball) ~ vi 1: to fall or scale off in thin pieces
2: to cast the shell or exterior covering: fall out of the pod or husk "nuts which ~ in falling"
3: to gather shells (as from a beach): collect shells