[shut] vb shut ; shut.ting [ME shutten, fr. OE scyttan; akin to MD schutten to shut in, OE sceotan to shoot--more at shoot] vt (bef. 12c) 1 a: to move into position to close an opening "~ the lid" b: to prevent entrance to or passage to or from
2: to confine by or as if by enclosure "~ herself in her study"
3: to fasten with a lock or bolt
4: to close by bringing enclosing or covering parts together "~ the eyes"
5: to cause to cease or suspend an operation or activity--often used with down ~ vi 1: to close itself or become closed "flowers that ~ at night"
2: to cease or suspend an operation or activity--often used with down
[2]shut adj (15c) 1: closed, fastened, or folded together
2: rid, clear, free--usu. used with of [3]shut n (1667): the act of shutting