Meaning of SLIDE in English

[slide] vb slid ; [ME, fr. OE slidan; akin to MHG sliten to slide] vi (bef. 12c) 1 a: to move smoothly along a surface: slip b: to coast over snow or ice c of a base runner in baseball: to fall or dive feetfirst or headfirst when approaching a base

2. a: to slip or fall by loss of footing b: to change position or become dislocated: shift 3 a: to slither along the ground: crawl b: to stream along: flow

4. a: to move or pass smoothly or easily "slid into the prepared speech" b: to pass unnoticed or unremarked "could have responded but let it ~"

5. a: to pass unobtrusively: steal b: to pass by gradations esp. downward "the economy slid from recession to depression" ~ vt 1 a: to cause to glide or slip b: to traverse in a sliding manner

2: to put unobtrusively or stealthily "slid the bill into his hand"

[2]slide n (1570) 1 a: an act or instance of sliding b (1): a musical grace of two or more small notes (2): portamento

2: a sliding part or mechanism: as a (1): a U-shaped section of tube in the trombone that is pushed out and in to produce the tones between the fundamental and its harmonics (2): a short U-shaped section of tube in a brass instrument that is used to adjust the pitch of the instrument or of individual valves b (1): a moving piece (as the ram of a punch press) that is guided by a part along which it slides (2): a guiding surface (as a feeding mechanism) along which something slides c: sliding seat 3 a: the descent of a mass of earth, rock, or snow down a hill or mountainside b: a dislocation in which one rock mass in a mining lode has slid on another: fault

4. a (1): a slippery surface for coasting (2): a chute with a slippery bed down which children slide in play b: a channel or track on which something is slid c: a sloping trough down which objects are carried by gravity "a log ~"

5. a: a flat piece of glass on which an object is mounted for microscopic examination b: a photographic transparency on a small plate or film mounted for projection

6: bottleneck 3

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