[stay] n [ME, fr. OE staeg; akin to ON stag stay, OE stele steel] (bef. 12c) 1: a large strong rope usu. of wire used to support a mast
2: [1]guy
[2]stay vt (1627) 1: to secure upright with or as if with stays
2: to incline (a mast) forward, aft, or to one side by the stays ~ vi: to go about: tack [3]stay vb stayed also staid ; stay.ing [ME, fr. MF ester to stand, stay, fr. L stare--more at stand] vi (15c) 1: to stop going forward: pause
2: to stop doing something: cease
3: to continue in a place or condition: remain "~ed up all night" "went for a short vacation but ~ed on for weeks" "~ put till I come back"
4: to stand firm
5: to take up residence: lodge
6: to keep even in a contest or rivalry "~ with the leaders" 7: to call a poker bet without raising
8. obs: to be in waiting or attendance ~ vt 1: to wait for: await
2: to stick or remain with (as a race or trial of endurance) to the end--usu. used in the phrase stay the course
3: to remain during "~ed the whole time"
4. a: to stop or delay the proceeding or advance of by or as if by interposing an obstacle: halt "~ an execution" b: to check the course of (as a disease) c: allay, pacify "~ed tempers" d: to quiet the hunger of temporarily syn see defer [4]stay n (1536) 1 a: the action of halting: the state of being stopped b: a stopping or suspension of procedure or execution by judicial or executive order
2. obs: self-control, moderation
3: a residence or sojourn in a place
4: capacity for endurance [5]stay n [MF estaie, of Gmc origin; akin to OHG stan to stand--more at stand] (1515) 1: one that serves as a prop: support
2: a corset stiffened with bones--usu. used in pl. [6]stay vt (1548) 1: to provide physical or moral support for: sustain
2: to fix on something as a foundation