[would] past of will [ME wolde, fr. OE; akin to OHG wolta wished, desired] (bef. 12c) 1 a archaic: wished, desired b archaic: wish for: want c (1): strongly desire: wish "I ~ I were young again"--often used without a subject and with that in a past or conditional construction "~ that I had heeded your advice" (2)--used in auxiliary function with rather or sooner to express preference "he ~ sooner die than face them"
2. a--used in auxiliary function to express wish, desire, or intent "those who ~ forbid gambling" b--used in auxiliary function to express willingness or preference "as ye ~ that men should do to you --Lk 6:31 (AV)" c--used in auxiliary function to express plan or intention "said we ~ come" 3--used in auxiliary function to express custom or habitual action "we ~ meet often for lunch" 4--used in auxiliary function to express consent or choice "~ put it off if he could"
5. a--used in auxiliary function in the conclusion of a conditional sentence to express a contingency or possibility "if he were coming, he ~ be here now" b--used in auxiliary function in a noun clause (as one completing a statement of desire, request, or advice) "we wish that he ~ go" 6--used in auxiliary function to express probability or presumption in past or present time "~ have won if I had not tripped" 7: could "the barrel ~ hold 20 gallons" 8--used in auxiliary function to express a request with which voluntary compliance is expected "~ you please help us" 9--used in auxiliary function to express doubt or uncertainty "the explanation ... ~ seem satisfactory" 10: should "knew I ~ enjoy the trip" "~ be glad to know the answer"