Meaning of BRUSH in English

I. ˈbrəsh noun

Etymology: Middle English brusch, from an Anglo-French form akin to Old French broce brushwood, Medieval Latin brusca

Date: 14th century

1. : brushwood


a. : scrub vegetation

b. : land covered with scrub vegetation

II. noun

Etymology: Middle English brusshe, from an Anglo-French form akin to Middle French broisse

Date: 14th century

1. : a device composed of bristles typically set into a handle and used especially for sweeping, smoothing, scrubbing, or painting

2. : something resembling a brush: as

a. : a bushy tail

b. : a feather tuft worn on a hat

3. : an electrical conductor that makes sliding contact between a stationary and a moving part (as of a generator or a motor)


a. : an act of brushing

b. : a quick light touch or momentary contact in passing

III. transitive verb

Date: 15th century


a. : to apply a brush to

b. : to apply with a brush


a. : to remove with passing strokes (as of a brush)

b. : to dispose of in an offhand way : dismiss

brush ed him off

3. : to pass lightly over or across : touch gently against in passing

• brush·er noun

IV. noun

Etymology: Middle English brusche rush, hostile collision, from bruschen

Date: 14th century

: a brief encounter or skirmish

a brush with disaster

a brush with the law

V. intransitive verb

Etymology: Middle English bruschen to rush, probably from Middle French brosser to dash through underbrush, from broce

Date: 1674

: to move lightly or heedlessly

brush ed past the well-wishers waiting to greet him

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.