I. Orange adjective
Date: 1795
: of, relating to, or sympathizing with Orangemen
• Or·ange·ism ˈär-in-ˌji-zəm, ˈär(ə-)n-, ˈȯr-in-, ˈȯr(ə-)n- noun
II. Or·ange ˈär-inj, ˈär(-ə)nj, ˈȯr-inj, ˈȯr(-ə)nj geographical name
1. city SW California N of Santa Ana population 128,821
2. river 1300 miles (2092 kilometers ) S Africa flowing from the Drakensberg in Lesotho W into the Atlantic
III. Orange ȯ-ˈräⁿzh geographical name
city SE France N of Avignon population 28,136