I. ˈsal-(ˌ)vō noun
( plural salvos or salvoes )
Etymology: Italian salva, from French salve, from Latin, hail!, from salvus healthy — more at safe
Date: 1591
a. : a simultaneous discharge of two or more guns in military action or as a salute
b. : the release all at one time of a rack of bombs or rockets (as from an airplane)
c. : a series of shots by an artillery battery with each gun firing one round in turn after a prescribed interval
d. : the bombs or projectiles released in a salvo
2. : something suggestive of a salvo: as
a. : a sudden burst
a salvo of cheers
b. : a spirited attack
the first salvo of a political campaign
II. verb
Date: 1839
transitive verb
: to release a salvo of
intransitive verb
: to fire a salvo
III. noun
( plural salvos )
Etymology: Medieval Latin salvo jure with the right reserved
Date: 1621
1. : a mental reservation : proviso
2. : a means of safeguarding one's name or honor or allaying one's conscience : salve