I. ˈsta-gər verb
( stag·gered ; stag·ger·ing -g(ə-)riŋ)
Etymology: alteration of earlier stacker, from Middle English stakeren, from Old Norse stakra, frequentative of staka to push; perhaps akin to Old English staca stake — more at stake
Date: 15th century
intransitive verb
a. : to reel from side to side : totter
b. : to move on unsteadily
stagger ed toward the door
2. : to waver in purpose or action : hesitate
3. : to rock violently
the ship stagger ed
transitive verb
1. : to cause to doubt or hesitate : perplex
2. : to cause to reel or totter
3. : to arrange in any of various zigzags, alternations, or overlappings of position or time
stagger work shifts
stagger teeth on a cutter
• stag·ger·er -gər-ər noun
II. noun
Date: 1577
1. plural but singular or plural in construction : an abnormal condition of domestic animals associated with damage to the central nervous system and marked by incoordination and a reeling unsteady gait
2. : a reeling or unsteady gait or stance
3. : an arrangement in which the leading edge of the upper wing of a biplane is advanced over that of the lower
III. adjective
Date: 1918
: marked by an alternating or overlapping pattern