I. ˈtir noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English tæhher, tēar; akin to Old High German zahar tear, Greek dakry
Date: before 12th century
a. : a drop of clear saline fluid secreted by the lacrimal gland and diffused between the eye and eyelids to moisten the parts and facilitate their motion
b. plural : a secretion of profuse tears that overflow the eyelids and dampen the face
2. : a transparent drop of fluid or hardened fluid matter (as resin)
3. plural : an act of weeping or grieving
broke into tear s
• tear·less adjective
II. intransitive verb
Date: before 12th century
: to fill with tears : shed tears
eyes tear ing in the November wind — Saul Bellow
III. ˈter verb
( tore ˈtȯr ; torn ˈtȯrn ; tear·ing )
Etymology: Middle English teren, from Old English teran; akin to Old High German zeran to destroy, Greek derein to skin, Sanskrit dṛṇāti he bursts, tears
Date: before 12th century
transitive verb
a. : to separate parts of or pull apart by force : rend
b. : to wound by or as if by tearing : lacerate
tear the skin
2. : to divide or disrupt by the pull of contrary forces
a mind torn with doubts
a. : to remove by force : wrench — often used with off
tear a cover off a box
b. : to remove as if by wrenching
tear your thoughts away from the scene
4. : to make or effect by or as if by tearing
tear a hole in the wall
intransitive verb
1. : to separate on being pulled : rend
this cloth tear s easily
a. : to move or act with violence, haste, or force
went tear ing down the street
b. : to smash or penetrate something with violent force
the bullet tore through his leg
• tear·able ˈter-ə-bəl adjective
• tear·er noun
- tear at
- tear into
- tear it
- tear one's hair
tear , rip , rend , split , cleave , rive mean to separate forcibly. tear implies pulling apart by force and leaving jagged edges
tear up the letter
rip implies a pulling apart in one rapid uninterrupted motion often along a line or joint
ripped the shirt on a nail
rend implies very violent or ruthless severing or sundering
an angry mob rent the prisoner's clothes
split implies a cutting or breaking apart in a continuous, straight, and usually lengthwise direction or in the direction of grain or layers
split logs for firewood
cleave implies very forceful splitting or cutting with a blow
a bolt of lightning cleaved the giant oak
rive occurs most often in figurative use
a political party riven by conflict
IV. ˈter noun
Date: 1611
a. : damage from being torn ; especially : a hole or flaw made by tearing
b. : the act of tearing
a. : a tearing pace : hurry
b. : spree
got paid and went on a tear
c. : a run of unusual success
the team was on a tear