Meaning of WORKING in English

I. ˈwər-kiŋ noun

Date: 14th century

1. : the manner of functioning or operating : operation — usually used in plural

the inner working s of the government

2. : an excavation or group of excavations made in mining, quarrying, or tunneling — usually used in plural

II. adjective

Date: 1532

1. : engaged in work especially for wages or a salary

a working journalist

a working mother

2. : adequate to permit work to be done

a working majority

3. : assumed or adopted to permit or facilitate further work or activity

a working draft

4. : spent at work

working life

5. : being in use or operation

a working farm

Merriam-Webster's Collegiate English vocabulary.      Энциклопедический словарь английского языка Merriam Webster.