Synonyms and related words :
Chateaubriand, abandon, abjure, abstract, anchorage, barf, be seasick, be sick, beak, blade roast, boot out, bounce, bowl, breast, bring up, brisket, brush, brush aside, bunt, cackle, call, carol, cast, cast aside, cast at, cast away, cast off, cast out, catapult, caw, change of pace, change-up, chase, chatter, cheep, chirk, chirp, chirr, chirrup, chitter, chow, chuck, chuck at, chuck out, chuck roast, chuck up, chunk, clack, clap, clear, clear away, clear out, clear the decks, clod, cluck, cock-a-doodle-doo, cold cuts, contemn, contradict, coo, croak, cronk, crow, cuckoo, curve, cut out, dab, dart, dash, decline, deep-six, defenestrate, deny, deport, desert, despise, detrude, disapprove, discard, discharge, disclaim, discount, disdain, disgorge, dismiss, disown, dispose of, disregard, ditch, downcurve, drum, dump, eats, egest, eighty-six, eject, elide, eliminate, eradicate, evict, except, exclude, exile, expatriate, expel, extrude, fastball, feed the fish, filet mignon, fillip, fire, fire at, flank, flick, fling, fling at, flip, flirt, fork, forsake, forswear, forward pass, gabble, gag, gaggle, get quit of, get rid of, get shut of, give away, give the hook, gobble, graze, grub, grubbery, guggle, harborage, haven, heave, heave at, heave out, heave the gorge, honk, hoo, hoot, hurl, hurl against, hurl at, hurtle, ignore, incurve, jerk, jettison, jilt, junk, keck, kick downstairs, kick out, knuckle, knuckleball, lance, lateral, lateral pass, launch, let fly, let fly at, liquidate, lob, loin, obtrude, oust, out, outcurve, outlaw, part with, pass, pass by, pass up, pat, peck, peep, peg, pelt, pick, pick out, pip, pipe, pitch, pitchfork, plank, plate, plate piece, plop, plump, plunk, port, pot roast, puke, purge, push aside, put, put out, put the shot, quack, quit, rack, rap, rebuff, recant, refuse, refuse to consider, regurgitate, reject, remove, renounce, repel, repudiate, repulse, retch, rib roast, ribs, riding, roads, roadstead, roast, roll, rolled roast, root out, root up, round, rump, rump roast, saddle, scold, scout, scrap, screwball, serve, service, shank, shed, short ribs, shot-put, shoulder, shoulder clod, shove away, shy, shy at, sick up, sing, sinker, sirloin, slap, slider, sling, sling at, slough, snap, spew, spitball, spitter, spurn, squawk, strike off, strike out, tap, tenderloin, throw, throw at, throw away, throw out, throw over, throw overboard, throw up, thrust, thrust out, tickle, tilt, tip, toss, toss at, toss out, toss overboard, touch, trill, turn away, turn out, tweet, twit, twitter, upchuck, upcurve, vomit, waive, warble, weed out, whisk, whistle