1. v. & n.
1. colloq. fling or throw carelessly or with indifference.
2 colloq. (often foll. by in, up) give up; reject (chucked in my job).
3 touch playfully, esp. under the chin.
--n. a playful touch under the chin.
Phrases and idioms:
the chuck sl. dismissal (he got the chuck). chucker-out colloq. a person employed to expel troublesome people from a gathering etc. chuck it sl. stop, desist. chuck out colloq.
1. expel (a person) from a gathering etc.
2 get rid of, discard.
Etymology: 16th c., perh. f. F chuquer, choquer to knock 2. n. & v.
1. a cut of beef between the neck and the ribs.
2 a device for holding a workpiece in a lathe or a tool in a drill.
--v.tr. fix (wood, a tool, etc.) to a chuck.
Etymology: var. of CHOCK 3. n. US colloq. food.
Phrases and idioms:
1. a provision-cart on a ranch etc.
2 a roadside eating-place.
Etymology: 19th c.: perh. f. CHUCK(2)