Synonyms and related words :
Zeitgeist, action, actuation, address, administering, administration, admonition, advice, advising, advocacy, agency, angle, animation, arrow, avenue, bearing, billhead, blaze, briefing, catechization, caution, caveat, charge, civil government, coaching, command, commission, compass needle, conduct, conducting, consultation, control, council, counsel, course, current, destination, dictate, didactics, directing, direction post, directions, directive, directorate, directorship, discipline, dispensation, disposition, dress rehearsal, drift, driving, edification, education, empery, empire, enlightenment, execution, exercise, exhortation, expostulation, final instructions, finger post, fist, form of government, functioning, general orders, glacial movement, governance, governing, government, guidance, guide, guideboard, guidepost, guiding, hand, handling, hortation, hour hand, idea, illumination, index, index finger, influence, information, injunction, inner-direction, instruction, instructions, lead, leadership, letterhead, line, lubber line, main current, mainstream, management, managing, manipulation, milepost, minute hand, mise-en-scene, monition, motion, motivation, mounting, movement, moving, name and address, needle, occupation, operancy, operating, operation, opinion, order, orders, other-direction, outlook, oversight, parley, pedagogics, pedagogy, performance, performing, pointer, pointing, political organization, polity, postal zone, practice, precept, prescript, prescription, private teaching, production, programmed instruction, prompting, proposal, recommendation, reeducation, regime, regimen, regnancy, regulation, rehearsal, reign, remonstrance, responsibility, road, route, rule, run, run-through, running, schooling, self-instruction, self-teaching, set, side, signboard, signpost, slant, sovereignty, spoon-feeding, stage management, staging, standpoint, steering, stimulation, stream, suggestion, superscription, supervising, supervision, sway, swing, system of government, teaching, tenor, the general tendency, the main course, thought, time spirit, tone, trend, tuition, tutelage, tutorage, tutoring, tutorship, walk-through, warning, way, work, working, workings, zip code, zone