Synonyms and related words :
Everyman, John Doe, Public, absolute interest, acres, assets, bearings, belongings, benefit, blood, body politic, bracket, branch, capital, case, caste, category, chattels, circumstance, citizenry, claim, clan, class, common, common man, commonwealth, community, community at large, condition, contingent interest, demesne, development, division, domain, easement, equitable interest, equity, everybody, everyman, everyone, everywoman, farm, farmstead, fix, folk, folks, footing, form, fortune, general public, gentry, grade, grange, group, grouping, hacienda, head, heading, holding, holdings, home place, homecroft, homestead, house and grounds, house and lot, interest, jam, kin, label, land, level, limitation, location, lot, manor, mansion, men, messuage, modality, mode, nation, nationality, order, part, pass, people, people in general, percentage, persons, pickle, pigeonhole, place, plantation, plight, polity, populace, population, position, possessions, posture, predicament, property, public, race, ranch, rancho, rank, rating, repair, resources, right, right of entry, rubric, section, sept, set, settlement, shape, situation, society, spot, stake, standing, state, station, status, steading, strain, stratum, strict settlement, subdivision, subgroup, suborder, title, toft, trust, use, vested interest, villa, wealth, world, you and me