Synonyms and related words :
Bassalia, a priori principle, abyss, abyssal zone, acres, affirmation, agora, air brush, airspace, alluvion, alluvium, ambition, amphitheater, angle, antecedent, antecedents, apriorism, arable land, area, arena, argument, art paper, aspiration, assertion, assumed position, assumption, athletic field, auditorium, axiom, back, backdrop, background, base, basement, basin, basis, bathyal zone, beach, bear garden, bearing wall, bed, bedding, bedrock, belt, benthos, billiard table, blow down, blow over, bottom, bottom waters, bottomless depths, bottommost, bowl, bowl down, bowl over, bowling green, boxing ring, branny, bring down, broaden the mind, brush, build, build in, bull ring, bulldog, call, calling, camera lucida, camera obscura, campus, canvas, carpet, cast away, cast down, catechize, categorical proposition, causation, cause, cause and effect, chalk, chalklike, chalky, channel, charcoal, chop down, chromogen, cincture, circus, civilize, clay, clod, close, coach, coat, coat of paint, coating, cockpit, coliseum, color, color filter, color gelatin, colorant, coloring, colosseum, comminute, comminuted, compass, confine, confines, confirm, consideration, container, continental shelf, coop, corridor, coulee, country, course, court, courtyard, cover, crayon, crushed, crust, curtilage, cut down, dash down, data, dead flat, dead level, dead-color, deck, deep-dye, define, delimited field, demonstrate, demonstration, department, deposit, determinant, determinative, detrital, detrited, direct, dirt, disintegrated, distance, distemper, district, division, down, drawing paper, drawing pencil, dregs, drier, drop, dry land, dust, dusty, dye, dyestuff, earth, easel, edify, educate, efflorescent, element, embed, enclave, enclosure, engraft, engrave, enlighten, entrench, environs, esplanade, establish, etch, etiology, evidence, excuse, exterior paint, factor, farinaceous, fell, fetch down, field, fine, first principles, fix, fixative, flaky, flat, flat coat, flat wash, flatland, flatten, floor, floor covering, floor enamel, flooring, floury, fold, fond, footing, forum, found, foundation, freehold, fundament, fundamental, furfuraceous, give instruction, give lessons in, glebe, goal, gone to dust, good reason, grassland, grated, grounds, groundwork, guide, guiding light, guiding star, gym, gymnasium, hall, hardpan, heartland, hew down, hinterland, hippodrome, homaloid, horizontal, horizontal axis, horizontal fault, horizontal line, horizontal parallax, horizontal plane, horizontal projection, hypothesis, hypothesis ad hoc, ideal, illumine, impact, impalpable, implant, impress, imprint, infix, inform, infrastructure, ingrain, initiate, inner space, inscribe, inspiration, install, instruct, insulate, intention, interior paint, invest, isolate, jam, justification, knock down, land, landholdings, lay figure, lay level, lay low, lay out, lay the foundation, ledge, lees, lemma, level, level line, level plane, levigated, list, lists, lithosphere, loam, locale, lodestar, lodge, lowest, mainspring, major premise, marginal land, marketplace, marl, mat, material basis, matter, maulstick, mealy, mean sea level, medium, milieu, milled, minor premise, mise-en-scene, mold, motive, mow down, neighborhood, nethermost, occasion, ocean bottom, ocean depths, ocean floor, offshore rights, opaque color, open forum, open the eyes, organize, pack, paint, paintbrush, palaestra, pale, palette, palette knife, paling, parade ground, park, parquet, part, parterre, parts, pastel, pave, pavement, paving, pelagic zone, pen, pencil, perspective, pestled, philosopheme, pigment, pigments, pile up, pit, pitch, place, plain, plane, plant, platform, position, post, postulate, postulation, postulatum, powdered, powdery, prairie, precinct, precincts, precipitate, precipitation, premise, premises, prepare, presupposition, prime coat, primer, priming, principle, print, prize ring, proof, proposition, propositional function, prostrate, public square, pull down, pulverant, pulverized, pulverulent, purlieu, purlieus, put in, put up, quad, quadrangle, quarter, radical, range, rase, rationale, raze, real estate, real property, rear, reason, reduced to powder, reeducate, region, regolith, right, ring, riprap, rock bottom, rock-bottom, root, rudiment, run aground, sake, salient, scaly, scene, scene of action, scenery, school, scobicular, scobiform, scope, score, scratchboard, scurfy, sea level, sea of grass, seat, section, sediment, send headlong, set, set in, set right, set up, setting, settle, settlings, sharded, sharpen the wits, shipwreck, show, show how, shredded, siccative, sill, site, sketchbook, sketchpad, sod, soil, solid ground, solid rock, source, space, spatula, sphere, spray gun, spread-eagle, spring, square, squared circle, stadium, stage, stage set, stage setting, stain, stamp, stand, standing, statement, station, status, steppe, stereobate, stereotype, stimulus, strand, stump, stylobate, subaerial deposit, subsoil, substance, substratum, substruction, substructure, sumption, supinate, supposal, surfacing, sustain, table, take down, take the ground, teach, teach a lesson, teach the rudiments, tempera, terra, terra firma, terrace, terrain, territory, test, testimony, the country, the deep, the deep sea, the deeps, the depths, theater, theorem, thesis, thinner, three-mile limit, throw, throw down, tilting ground, tiltyard, tinction, tincture, toft, topple, topsoil, train, transparent color, trench, trial, trip, triturated, truth table, truth-function, truth-value, tumble, turf, turpentine, turps, tutor, twelve-mile limit, ulterior motive, underbuilding, undercarriage, undercoat, undercoating, undergirding, undermost, underpinning, understruction, understructure, varnish, vehicle, venue, vest, vicinage, vicinity, viewpoint, vocation, walk, warrant, wash, wash coat, water level, wedge, whack down, wherefore, why, whyfor, woodland, wreck, wrestling ring, yard, zone,