Synonyms and related words :
Coldstream Guards, Foot Guards, Grenadier Guards, Life Guards, Scots Guards, accompany, advance guard, advocate, aegis, amateur athlete, apologist, archer, arm, arm guard, armament, armed guard, armor, arrest, athlete, attend, avoidance reaction, backstop, baggage man, bakehead, ballplayer, bank guard, baseballer, baseman, batter, battery, beefeaters, bless, blocking back, bodyguard, bowman, brakeman, brakie, bridle, buffer, bull, bulwark, bumper, butcher, catcher, cavalier, center, champion, chaperon, check, cloak, coach, coast guard, commandant, companion, compass about, competitor, conduct, conductor, conserve, constrain, contain, contraceptive, control, convoy, cool, cool off, copyright, cordon, cordon sanitaire, cover, crash helmet, cricketer, curb, curtail, cushion, custodian, custodianship, custody, dashboard, decelerate, defence, defend, defender, defense, defense in depth, defense mechanism, defenses, defensive lineman, deterrent capacity, dispatcher, dodger, dompt, duenna, eagle eye, ego defenses, end, enjoin, ensure, escape mechanism, escort, esquire, eye, face mask, fellow traveler, fence, fend, fender, finger guard, fireman, flank, foot guard, footballer, footplate man, fuse, games-player, gamester, gaoler, garrison, gentleman-at-arms, goalie, goalkeeper, goaltender, goggles, govern, governor, guarantee, guard against, guardedness, guarder, guardian, guardianship, guardrail, guards, guardsman, guide, hand guard, handrail, harbor, hard hat, haven, helmet, hinder, hold at bay, hold back, hold fast, hold in, hold in check, hold in leash, hold up, household troops, infielder, inhibit, inlying picket, insulation, insure, interlock, invigilation, jailer, jock, jumper, keep, keep alive, keep back, keep from, keep from harm, keep in, keep in check, keep intact, keep inviolate, keep safe, keep under control, keep up, keep watch over, keeper, knee guard, knuckle guard, laminated glass, lay under restraint, lead, lee, life preserver, lifeline, lightning conductor, lightning rod, lineman, look after, lookout, maintain, make safe, marshal, mask, mind, monitoring, mudguard, negative taxis, nestle, nose guard, not destroy, not endanger, not expend, not use up, not waste, observance, offensive lineman, outfield, outfielder, outguard, outpost, pad, padding, paladin, palladium, patent, patrol, patrolman, peeled eye, picket, pilot, player, police, poloist, porter, praetorian guard, preservation, preserve, preventive, principal keeper, prison guard, proctoring, professional athlete, prohibit, prophylactic, protect, protection, protective clothing, protective custody, protective umbrella, protector, prudence, psychological defenses, pugilist, pull, pull in, quarterback, qui vive, racer, railroad man, railroader, rear guard, redcap, refuge, register, rein, rein in, resistance, restrain, retard, retrench, ride shotgun for, safe-conduct, safeguard, safekeeping, safety, safety glass, safety plug, safety rail, safety shoes, safety switch, safety valve, save, screen, screw, seat belt, secure, security, security guard, self-defense, self-preservation, self-protection, sentinel, sentry, set back, shade, shadow, sharp eye, shelter, shepherd, shield, shin guard, shroud, skater, slow down, smoke agent, snub, spare, sport, sportsman, squire, stationmaster, stewardship, stoker, straiten, sun helmet, support, supporter, surveillance, sustain, swain, switchman, tackle, tailback, take out, tend, the defensive, toxophilite, train guard, trainboy, trainman, trainmaster, turnkey, umbrella, underwrite, uphold, upholder, usher, van, vanguard, vigil, vigilance, vindicator, wait on, ward, warden, warder, wariness, watch, watch and ward, watchful eye, watchfulness, watching, watchman, weather eye, windscreen, windshield, wingback, withhold, wrestler, yardman, yardmaster, yeoman