Synonyms and related words :
abstract, ace, acute pain, afflict, agonize, ail, alternate, alternative, and, annex, apprehend, apprehension, approach, appropriate, arrest, arrestation, arrestment, atom, backup, bag, bare cupboard, bare subsistence, beat, beat to windward, beggarliness, beggary, begrudge, bind, bit, bite, boost, boring pain, borrow, breakers ahead, burglary, burn, bust, caper, capture, cardhouse, catch, cause for alarm, center, centralize, chafe, charley horse, clamp, clamping, clamping down, climacteric, close, close in, close up, close with, close-haul, clutch, collar, come together, complication, compress, compression, compulsion, concenter, concentralize, concentrate, confine, constraint, contingency, converge, convergence of events, convulse, cop, counterfeit, cramp, cramps, crib, crick, crisis, critical juncture, critical point, crossroads, crucial period, crucify, crunch, crush, crux, cubby, cubbyhole, cut, dab, danger, dangerous ground, darting pain, defraud, deprivation, destitution, difficulty, dilemma, distress, doghouse, dole, dot, dram, dribble, driblet, drive, dummy, dwarf, economize, embarrassing position, embarrassment, embezzle, emergency, empty purse, endangerment, ensphere, equivalent, ersatz, exact, excruciate, exigency, extort, extremity, fake, fall in with, famish, farthing, fester, filch, fine how-do-you-do, fleck, flyspeck, fragment, fret, fulgurant pain, funnel, gall, gaping chasm, gathering clouds, girdle pain, give pain, gnaw, gnawing, gobbet, gouge, grab, grain, granule, grasp, grate, grind, grinding poverty, grip, gripe, griping, groat, grudge, hair, hand-to-mouth existence, handful, harrow, hazard, heist, hell to pay, high pressure, hinge, hitch, hobble, hole, homelessness, hook, hot water, house of cards, how-do-you-do, hurt, imbroglio, imitation, imperativeness, imperilment, impoverishment, impulse, impulsion, indigence, inflame, inflict pain, intersect, iota, irritate, jam, jeopardy, job, joker, jot, jumping pain, kill by inches, kink, knock off, lacerate, lack, lancinating pain, lift, little, little bit, live upon nothing, luff, luff up, make a pinch, make off with, makeshift, martyr, martyrize, meet, menace, mendicancy, mess, minim, minimum, minutiae, mite, mix, mock, modicum, molecule, moneylessness, morass, mote, nab, narrow the gap, necessitousness, necessity, need, neediness, netting, nick, nip, nutshell, ounce, pain, palm, pang, parlous straits, paroxysm, particle, pass, pauperism, pauperization, pebble, penury, peril, phony, pickle, pickup, pierce, pigeonhole, pilfer, pinch pennies, pittance, playhouse, plight, ply, poach, point, predicament, press, pressure, pretty pass, pretty pickle, pretty predicament, prick, privation, prolong the agony, provisional, proxy, pull in, purloin, push, put to torture, quagmire, quicksand, rack, rankle, rash impulse, rasp, reserve, rip-off, risk, rob, robbery, rocks ahead, rub, run away with, run in, run together, rustle, sail fine, save, scamp, scant, scrape, screw, scrimp, scrounge, scruple, secondary, seizure, shake, sharp pain, shoot, shooting, shooting pain, shoplift, skimp, slough, smidgen, smidgin, smitch, snag, snare, snatch, snitch, soupcon, spare, spasm, speck, spoonful, spot, squeeze, squeezing, stab, stabbing pain, starve, steal, stew, sticky wicket, sting, stint, stitch, stopgap, storm clouds, strait, straits, stress, substitute, swamp, swindle, swipe, tad, take, take into custody, taper, taste, temporary, tension, tentative, theft, thieve, thimbleful, thin ice, threat, thrill, throes, tight spot, tight squeeze, tighten, tightening, tightrope, tiny bit, tittle, tormen, torment, torture, touch, touch the wind, tricky spot, trifling amount, trivia, turn, turning, turning point, tweak, twinge, twist, twitch, unholy mess, unite, urge, urgency, utility, vicarious, wad up, walk off with, want, whit, wound, wrench, wring