Meaning of PLAGUE in English

Synonyms and related words :

afflict, affliction, aggravate, aggravation, ail, ambulatory plague, anguish, annoy, annoyance, apply pressure, badger, bait, bane, be at, be the matter, bedevil, beleaguer, beset, besiege, bevy, bitch, black death, black plague, blandish, blight, bother, bristle, brown off, bubonic plague, bug, bugbear, bullyrag, burden, burn up, buttonhole, cajole, calamity, cellulocutaneous plague, chafe, charm, chevy, chivy, cloud, coax, complicate matters, concern, covey, crawl with, creep with, crushing burden, curse, death, defervescing plague, destruction, devil, discommode, discompose, disease, distemper, distress, disturb, dog, drag, dun, epidemic, epiphytotic, epizootic, evil, exasperate, exercise, exert pressure, fash, flight, flock, fret, gaggle, gall, get, glandular plague, gnaw, grievance, gripe, harass, harm, harry, hassle, haunt, headache, heckle, hector, hemorrhagic plague, hive, hound, importune, inconvenience, infest, infestation, infliction, invade, invasion, irk, irritate, irritation, larval plague, lousiness, miff, molest, murmuration, murrain, nag, nag at, needle, nemesis, nettle, nudzh, nuisance, open wound, overrun, overrunning, overspread, overspreading, overswarm, overswarming, pandemia, pandemic, peeve, perplex, persecute, perturb, pest, pester, pesthole, pestilence, pick on, pique, plague spot, pluck the beard, ply, pneumonic plague, pother, premonitory plague, press, pressure, provoke, push, put out, put to it, puzzle, ravage, ride, rile, roil, ruffle, running sore, scourge, septicemic plague, siderating plague, skein, spring, swarm, swarm with, swarming, tease, teeming, thorn, torment, torture, trouble, try the patience, tuberculosis, tweak the nose, urge, vex, vexation, visitation, watch, wheedle, white plague, woe, work on, worry

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