Synonyms and related words :
C, C-note, G, G-note, abode, abundant year, academic year, accommodate, accommodations, achievement, adjunct, aim, airspace, alerion, anchor, animal charge, annulet, annum, area, argent, armorial bearings, armory, arms, azimuth, azure, bandeau, bank, bar, bar sinister, barracks, barrio, baton, beam, bearing, bearings, bed, belt, bend, bend sinister, benevolence, bent, berth, billet, billet at, bissextile year, bivouac, blazon, blazonry, board, border, bordure, broad arrow, broadside, buck, bunk, burrow, cadency mark, calendar month, calendar year, camp, canton, cantonment, cartwheel, casern, cent, century, chambers, chaplet, charge, cheek, chevron, chief, chop, clemency, coast, coat of arms, cockatrice, colonize, come to anchor, commiseration, common year, compassion, component, condolence, confines, continental shelf, contingent, copper, coronet, corridor, country, course, crescent, crest, cross, cross moline, cross section, crown, current, day, decade, decennary, decennium, defective year, department, detachment, detail, device, difference, differencing, dime, direction, direction line, district, division, dole, dollar, dollar bill, domesticate, domicile, domiciliate, drift, drop anchor, dwelling, eagle, ensconce, entertain, environs, ermine, ermines, erminites, erminois, escutcheon, establish residence, falcon, farthing, favor, feeling, fess, fess point, field, fifty cents, file, fin, fiscal year, fish, five cents, five hundred dollars, five-dollar bill, five-hundred-dollar bill, five-spot, fiver, flanch, flank, fleur-de-lis, forbearance, forgiveness, fortnight, four bits, fourth, fourth part, fraction, fret, frogskin, fur, fusil, garland, grace, grand, griffin, ground, gules, gyron, habitation, half G, half a C, half dollar, half grand, hand, handedness, harbor, hatchment, haunch, heading, heartland, helmet, helmsmanship, heraldic device, hinterland, hip, hive, home, honor point, hour, house, humanity, hundred-dollar bill, hut, impalement, impaling, inclination, inescutcheon, inhabit, installment, iron man, item, jowl, keep house, kindness, label, land, laterality, lay, leap year, leniency, lie, line, line of direction, line of march, lion, live at, living quarters, locale, locality, locate, location, lodge, lodgings, lozenge, lunar month, lunar year, lunation, luster, lustrum, man-hour, mantling, many-sidedness, marshaling, martlet, mascle, mercifulness, mercy, metal, microsecond, milieu, mill, millennium, millisecond, minute, mitigation, moment, month, moon, moor, motto, move, mullet, multilaterality, navigation, neighborhood, nest, nickel, nombril point, octofoil, offshore rights, one-fourth, or, ordinary, orientation, orle, pale, paly, parcel, pardon, park, part, particular, parts, pathos, pean, penny, people, percentage, perch, pheon, piloting, pity, place, planking, point, portion, post, precinct, precincts, premises, profile, purlieus, purpure, put up, quadrant, quadrature, quadrisect, quart, quartering, quartern, quarters, quarto, quinquennium, quota, random sample, range, red cent, region, regular year, relief, relocate, remainder, reprieve, reside, residence, room, rooms, roost, rose, run, ruth, sable, salient, saltire, sample, sampling, sawbuck, scutcheon, second, section, sector, segment, self-pity, semester, session, set, set up housekeeping, set up shop, settle, settle down, share, shelter, shield, shore, side, sidereal year, siding, silver dollar, sit down, skin, smacker, soil, solar year, space, spot, spread eagle, squat, stable, stand, station, stay at, steerage, steering, strike root, subdivision, subgroup, subordinary, subspecies, sun, sympathy, take residence at, take root, take up residence, temple, ten cents, ten-spot, tendency, tenne, tenner, tenor, term, terrain, territory, thousand dollars, thousand-dollar bill, three-mile limit, tincture, torse, track, trend, tressure, trimester, twelve-mile limit, twelvemonth, twenty-dollar bill, twenty-five cents, twenty-five percent, two bits, two-dollar bill, two-spot, unicorn, unilaterality, vair, vert, vicinage, vicinity, way, week, weekday, wreath, yale, yard, year, zone