Synonyms and related words :
acceptance, acclaim, acknowledgment, action, admission, allowance, anagnorisis, angle, apperception, appreciation, appreciativeness, architectonics, architecture, argument, assimilation, atmosphere, attention, avowal, awareness, background, benediction, blurb, boost, bringing to light, buildup, casual discovery, catastrophe, catching, celebrity, chance discovery, character, characterization, cognition, cognizance, color, commendation, complication, concession, confession, consciousness, continuity, contrivance, credit, crediting, declaration, denouement, design, detection, determination, determining, development, device, disclosure, discovery, distinguishment, due, eclat, episode, espial, excavation, exhumation, exposure, fable, falling action, fame, famousness, figure, find, finding, finding out, gimmick, glory, good word, grace, honor, honorable mention, hymn, hype, identification, incident, insight, invention, kudos, line, local color, locating, location, lucky strike, mindfulness, mood, motif, movement, mythos, name, noesis, note, notice, notoriety, notoriousness, paean, perception, peripeteia, plan, plot, plug, popularity, praise, prayer of thanks, profession, promotion, publicity, puff, realization, reclame, rediscovery, reidentification, renown, report, reputation, repute, revelation, right, rising action, scheme, secondary plot, sensibility, serendipity, slant, spotting, story, strike, structure, subject, subplot, switch, thank offering, thank-you, thanks, thanksgiving, the bubble reputation, thematic development, theme, tone, topic, treasure trove, trouvaille, trove, twist, uncovering, unearthing, vogue, what is owing