Synonyms and related words :
abate, acclimate, acclimatize, accommodate, accustom, adapt, adjust, adjust to, age, alter, anhydrate, assuage, attain majority, available, beautify, besprinkle, blast-freeze, bloom, box in, break, break in, breathe, brew, brine, case harden, circumscribe, color, come of age, come to maturity, condition, confirm, corn, cultivate, cure, day, decoct, dehydrate, desiccate, develop, diminish, discipline, domesticate, domesticize, dredge, dry, dry-cure, dry-salt, dye, edible, elaborate, embalm, embellish, enliven, entincture, establish, evaporate, evolve, familiarize, fateful moment, finish, fit, fix, flavor, fledge, flower, freeze, freeze-dry, fume, gentle, grow, grow up, habituate, harden, hedge, hedge about, hour, housebreak, imbrue, imbue, impregnate, infiltrate, infuse, instant, instill, interval, inure, irradiate, jerk, juncture, kairos, kipper, leave the nest, leaven, limit, marinade, marinate, mature, mellow, minute, mitigate, moderate, modify, modulate, moment, moment of truth, mummify, narrow, naturalize, occasion, opportunity, orient, orientate, palliate, penetrate, pep up, pepper, perfect, period, permeate, pervade, pickle, point, polish, pregnant moment, prepare, preservatize, psychological moment, qualify, quick-freeze, reach manhood, reach twenty-one, reach voting age, ready, reduce, refine, refrigerate, regulate by, restrain, restrict, ripe, ripen, salt, saturate, sauce, savor, school, seasonable, seasoned, set conditions, set limits, settle down, smoke, smoke-cure, soften, space, span, spell, spice, stage, steel, steep, stretch, stuff, suffuse, tame, temper, term, time, time lag, tincture, tinge, toga virilis, toughen, train, transfuse, while, wont