Meaning of STIFLE in English

Synonyms and related words :

abate, allay, alleviate, asphyxiate, assuage, attemper, bake, bank the fire, bar, barricade, be in heat, black out, blaze, block, block up, blockade, bloom, blow out, blunt, boil, bolt, bottle up, broil, burke, burn, censor, chasten, check, chock, choke, choke off, clamp down on, close, close off, close tight, close up, combust, constipate, constrain, constrict, control, cook, cork, cork up, cover up, crack down on, crowd, crush, curb, damp, damp down, dampen, de-emphasize, deaden, debar, demolish, destroy, diminish, dog, douse, downplay, drown, dull, dumbfound, extenuate, extinguish, flame, flame up, flare, flare up, flicker, flush, fry, gag, garrote, gasp, glow, hold back, hold down, hold in, hugger-mugger, hush, hush up, hush-hush, incandesce, inhibit, jam, jump on, keep back, keep down, keep under, keep within bounds, kill, lay, lenify, lessen, lighten, lock, mitigate, moderate, modulate, muffle, mute, muzzle, obstruct, obtund, occlude, out, pack, palliate, pant, parch, play down, pour water on, prevent, put down, put out, put to silence, quash, quell, quench, quiet, quieten, radiate heat, reduce, reduce the temperature, repress, restrain, roast, scald, scorch, seethe, shimmer with heat, shush, shut down on, shut off, shut out, shut tight, silence, simmer, sit down on, sit on, slack, slacken, slow down, smash, smolder, smother, snuff, snuff out, sober, sober down, soft-pedal, soften, spark, squash, squeeze, squeeze shut, squelch, stagnate, stamp out, stanch, steam, stew, still, stop, stop the breath, stop up, strangle, strangulate, strike dumb, stultify, subdue, sublimate, suffocate, suppress, sweat, swelter, tame, temper, throttle, toast, tone down, trammel, trample out, trample underfoot, tune down, underplay, weaken, withhold

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