Meaning of TELL in English

Synonyms and related words :

acknowledge, acquaint, admit, advertise, advertise of, advise, affect, air, allegorize, amount to something, announce, apprise, approve, argue, articulate, ascertain, assert, asseverate, attest, aver, barrow, be effective, be featured, be influential, be persuasive, be prominent, be somebody, be something, berate, bespeak, betoken, betray, bid, blab, break, break it to, break the news, breathe, brief, bring out, bring to light, bring word, broadcast, call off, call over, call the roll, carry weight, castigate, censure, census, charge, chew out, chide, chime, chime in, chorus, clue, come home to, come out with, command, communicate, confess, confide, confide to, confirm, connote, convey, count, cut ice, cut some ice, declare, delineate, deliver, demonstrate, denote, depict, describe, determine, differentiate, direct, discern, disclose, discover, discriminate, display, disseminate, distinguish, divulgate, divulge, emit, enjoin, enlighten, enumerate, enunciate, evidence, evince, evulgate, exhibit, explain, express, fable, fabulize, familiarize, fictionalize, fill in, fling off, foliate, forecast, foresee, foretell, formulate, furnish evidence, get across, get over, get top billing, give, give a report, give away, give expression, give indication of, give notice, give out, give out with, give the facts, give tidings of, give tongue, give utterance, give vent to, give voice, give word, go to show, hand on, have, have an in, have full play, have influence, have personality, have pull, herald, hillock, hint at, hit, hit the mark, identify, illustrate, impart, imply, import, impress, impress forcibly, indicate, inform, instruct, intimate, involve, know, know again, leak, leave word, lecture, let get around, let in on, let know, let out, let slip, lip, make an impression, make known, make out, manifest, mark, matter, measure, mention, mention to, militate, mound, mouth, mythicize, mythify, mythologize, nail, narrate, notify, novelize, number, numerate, order, out with, outline, page, paginate, pass, pass along, pass on, peach, peg, perceive, phonate, phrase, place, point to, poll, portray, post, pour forth, predict, present, proclaim, pronounce, prophesy, publish, put, put forth, put in words, quantify, quantize, raise, rat, realize, rebuke, recall knowledge of, recite, recognize, recount, refer to, rehearse, reidentify, relate, release, render, report, reprimand, reproach, reprove, require, retell, reveal, rock, romance, rumor, run over, say, scold, send, send word, serve notice, set forth, share, share with, show, show signs of, signal, signalize, signify, sink in, smite, sound, speak, speak for itself, speak volumes, spill, spill the beans, spot, squeak, squeal, stand out, star, state, storify, strike, strike hard, strike home, suggest, swear, symptomatize, take to task, tale, talk, tally, tattle, tattle on, tell a story, tell off, tell on, tend to show, throw off, throw out, tick off, touch on, transfer, transmit, traumatize, trumpet, tumulus, understand, unfold a tale, utter, vent, ventilate, verbalize, verse, vocalize, voice, warn, weigh, whisper, word, write up

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