Meaning of STAGE I GASTRIC CANCER in English

Stage I is divided into stage IA and stage IB, depending on where thecancer has spread. In stage IA, cancer has spread completely through the mucosal (innermost) layer of the stomach wall. In stage IB, cancer has spread completely through the mucosal (innermost) layer of the stomach wall and is found in up to 6 lymph nodes near the tumor, or has spread to the muscularis (middle) layer of the stomach wall. stage I hypopharynx cancer Tumor that is confined to one area of the hypopharynx and is no larger than 2 centimeters (about 0.75 inch).

NCI English Dictionary of Cancer Terms.      Английский словарь раковых терминов NCI(Национальный институт злокачественных новообразований).