Meaning of BACK in English



1 part of the body


▪ broad

▪ slender

▪ muscular , strong

▪ bent

▪ straight

▪ lower , upper

▪ bare

The sun beat down on their bare ~s.

▪ aching , bad , sore , stiff

He's in bed with a bad ~.

▪ broken

He spent six months recovering from a broken ~.


▪ bend , hunch ( esp. AmE )

He hunches his ~ when he walks.

▪ straighten

▪ stretch

He yawned and stretched his ~ as he got out of bed.

▪ break , hurt , injure

▪ arch

The cat arched its ~ and hissed at the dog.

▪ lean

He leaned his ~ against the bar.

▪ support

▪ caress , massage , pat , rub , stroke ( esp. BrE )

▪ scratch


▪ arch

▪ stiffen , straighten

His ~ stiffened as he saw the photographers waiting.

▪ ache , hurt


▪ injury , pain , trouble

▪ muscles

▪ support

a seat with good ~ support

▪ massage , rub

Would you give me a ~ rub?


▪ behind sb's ~

They tied his hands behind his ~.

People say bad things about him behind his ~, but never to his face. ( figurative )

▪ flat on your ~

I was flat on my ~ for six weeks when I broke my leg.

▪ on your ~

He was carrying a small child on his ~.

She was lying on her ~ on the sofa.

▪ in the/your ~

I have a nagging pain in my lower ~.

▪ ~ to

He was standing with his ~ to the fire.


▪ sb's ~ is turned

The boss was certain that the staff would stop working as soon as his ~ was turned. ( figurative )

▪ ~ to ~

The children sat ~ to ~.

▪ a pat on the ~ , a slap on the ~

He smiled and gave me a hearty slap on the ~.

She deserves a pat on the ~ for her efforts. ( figurative )

▪ the small of your ~

She felt a sharp pain in the small her ~.

▪ turn your ~ (on sb/sth)

Actors should never turn their ~s on the audience.

She decided to turn her ~ on Paris and return home. ( figurative )

▪ watch your ~ (= be careful because people may want to harm you.)

I warned her she should watch her ~.

2 part furthest from the front


▪ around ~ ( AmE ), around the ~ ( BrE ), round the ~ ( BrE ) (= to the area behind the house, etc.)

Come around ~ and I'll show you the pool.

If you'd like to come round the ~, I'll show you the garden.

▪ at the ~

We could only get seats at the ~.

▪ down the ~

My money's all fallen down the ~ of the cushion.

▪ in ~ ( AmE )

There's room for three people in ~.

▪ in the ~ ( BrE )

Two passengers sat in the ~ of the car.

▪ to the ~

The cup had been pushed to the ~ of the cupboard.

▪ towards/toward the ~

The arts page is usually towards/toward the ~ of the newspaper.


▪ ~ to front ( BrE )

I had my pullover on ~ to front.



1 move back


▪ hastily , hurriedly , immediately , quickly

She ~ed away hurriedly.

▪ slowly

He ~ed slowly out of the room.

▪ instinctively

They instinctively ~ed away from the intense heat.

▪ cautiously , nervously

He took a step forward and she nervously ~ed away.

▪ away , in , off , up

Try ~ing the car in—it's easier that way.

Back off! There's no need to yell at me.

Can you ~ your car up so that I can get through?


▪ try to

He tried to ~ away.


▪ across

She ~ed across the room.

▪ away from

The children ~ed away from him in fear.

▪ into

She ~ed into the garage.

▪ out of

He ~ed out of the drive.

2 support sb/sth


▪ strongly

Teachers are strongly ~ing the new educational policies.

▪ fully

▪ overwhelmingly

▪ unanimously

▪ openly , publicly

▪ financially

his election bid was financially ~ed by a soft drinks company.

▪ up

I'll ~ you up if they don't believe you.


back down


▪ will (not)

He will never ~ down.

▪ refuse to

▪ be forced to ( esp. BrE ), have to


▪ from

The government was forced to ~ down from implementing these proposals.

▪ over

The committee finally ~ed down over the issue of spending cuts.

Back is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ conference , ↑ sponsor , ↑ voter

Back is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ amendment , ↑ appeal , ↑ bill , ↑ candidate , ↑ car , ↑ hunch , ↑ initiative , ↑ judgement , ↑ loser , ↑ move , ↑ proposal , ↑ rebel , ↑ reform , ↑ regime , ↑ resolution , ↑ scheme , ↑ winner



Back is used with these nouns: ↑ alley , ↑ bedroom , ↑ bench , ↑ bumper , ↑ copy , ↑ corner , ↑ cover , ↑ deck , ↑ door , ↑ end , ↑ entrance , ↑ exit , ↑ fence , ↑ foot , ↑ garden , ↑ gate , ↑ half , ↑ issue , ↑ lane , ↑ lawn , ↑ leg , ↑ office , ↑ order , ↑ page , ↑ part , ↑ pass , ↑ passage , ↑ pay , ↑ pocket , ↑ porch , ↑ rent , ↑ road , ↑ room , ↑ row , ↑ seat , ↑ spin , ↑ stair , ↑ staircase , ↑ step , ↑ story , ↑ street , ↑ tax , ↑ tooth , ↑ tyre , ↑ view , ↑ vowel , ↑ wage , ↑ wall , ↑ wheel , ↑ window , ↑ wing , ↑ yard

Oxford Collocations English Dictionary.      Оксфордский английский словарь словосочетаний .