1 amount/size/number
▪ elevated , high , significant , substantial
▪ record
Industrial output has reached record ~s.
▪ increasing , rising
▪ excessive
Excessive ~s of lead were found in the water.
▪ low
▪ decreased , reduced
▪ decreasing , falling
▪ moderate
▪ varying
They work hard, but with varying ~s of success.
▪ detectable , undetectable
▪ generous ( esp. BrE )
a generous ~ of financial support for the arts
▪ permitted , recommended , required
permitted ~s of chemical pollutants
▪ acceptable , adequate , necessary , safe
an acceptable ~ of risk
▪ normal
Her blood pressure has returned to its normal ~.
▪ realistic , reasonable
▪ dangerous , unacceptable
▪ worst
the worst ~ of business failure since 1997
▪ unprecedented
▪ maximum , minimum
▪ desired , optimal
▪ baseline
▪ noise , ozone , pollution , radiation
▪ crime , poverty
▪ funding , staffing
▪ blood-sugar , cholesterol , hormone , etc.
▪ confidence , energy , stress
▪ achieve , attain , reach
They have achieved higher ~s of efficiency.
Crime has reached its highest ~ ever.
▪ remain at
She predicts that fuel prices will remain at current ~s.
▪ boost , elevate , improve , increase , raise
▪ maintain
▪ bring down , decrease , keep down , lower , reduce
▪ control , regulate
▪ adjust , alter , change
▪ set
Emissions are well below the ~s set by the WHO.
▪ exceed
There will be stiff penalties if companies exceed these ~s of pollution.
▪ assess , determine , measure , record
▪ check , monitor
▪ go up , rise , soar
▪ decrease , drop , fall , go down , plummet
▪ change , differ , vary
▪ exceed sth
▪ above a/the ~
Mortgage rates were 10% above their current ~.
▪ at a/the ~
Rents will be kept at this ~ for another year.
▪ below a/the ~
Radiation is well below the permitted ~.
▪ ~ of
They were asked to indicate the ~ of distress they experienced as a result of their experiences.
2 stage of progress/standard
▪ basic , elementary , low
The teaching is at quite a basic ~.
▪ entry
They have a good range of entry-level computers for beginners.
▪ intermediate
▪ advanced , high
Her illness has reached an advanced ~.
▪ degree
▪ 3rd-grade , 11th-grade , etc. ( AmE )
▪ grade ( AmE )
He's reading at grade ~ ( = at the average level for his grade ).
▪ difficulty
The difficulty ~ of the exercises in the book varies widely.
▪ fitness
a sport suitable for people of all fitness ~s
▪ educational
▪ attain , reach
students who have reached the intermediate ~
▪ complete , do , take
You need to do all three ~s to qualify as a chef.
▪ above a/the ~
His English is way above the ~ of the other students.
▪ at a/the ~
students at intermediate ~
She has played tennis at a high ~.
▪ below a/the ~
The book is not suitable for students below degree ~.
▪ ~ of
language students at different ~s of proficiency
▪ sb's comfort ~ (= the level at which someone feels safe and comfortable)
▪ take sb/sth to the next ~
It's time to take my career to the next ~.
3 grade in an organization or structure
▪ high , upper
the upper ~s of the civil service
▪ low
▪ senior
▪ global , international , local , national , regional
▪ grass-roots
The party needs to win support at grass-roots ~.
▪ board
These decisions are made at board ~.
▪ federal , ministerial ( BrE )
▪ reach , rise to
He rose to the ~ of general manager.
▪ at a/the ~
At the local ~ there's a lot to be said for the plan.
▪ on a/the ~
The thing has to be organized on an international ~.
4 way of considering sth
▪ conscious , subconscious , unconscious
At a conscious ~, I was satisfied with my life.
▪ deep
▪ superficial
▪ detailed
We probably need to look at this problem at a more detailed ~.
▪ general
▪ practical
▪ theoretical
▪ political
▪ tactical
▪ macro , micro
▪ at a/the ~ , on a/the ~
On a superficial ~ everything appears to be in order, but at a deeper ~ you an see that there's a lot wrong.
5 height
▪ high , low
▪ ground , sea , water
the problem of rising sea ~s
▪ eye , knee
a shelf at eye ~
▪ adjust , change , lower , raise
They are going to raise the ~ of the banks to prevent flooding.
▪ above a/the ~
200 m above sea ~
▪ at a/the ~
The plane was flying at a very low ~.
▪ below a/the ~
below the ~ of the clouds
▪ on a ~ with
On the second floor you are on a ~ with the treetops.
▪ to a/the ~
The water rose to the ~ of the ground floor windows.
▪ a change in ~ , a change of ~
6 floor in a building
▪ ground , lower
▪ higher , top , upper
▪ on a/the ~
Are we on the right ~ for the restaurant?
▪ to a/the ~
Take the elevator to Level Four.
Level is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑ side
Level is used with these nouns as the object: ↑ allegation , ↑ charge , ↑ criticism , ↑ game , ↑ match , ↑ pistol , ↑ score , ↑ series , ↑ set
1 with no part higher than any other
▪ be , look , seem
▪ get sth , keep sth
Make sure you get the shelf ~ before screwing it in.
Keep the pot ~, or you'll spill the coffee.
▪ absolutely , completely
The floor has to be absolutely ~.
▪ approximately , more or less , nearly
2 at the same height/position as sth
▪ be
▪ come , draw
As they reached the final bend, Graham drew ~ and threatened too overtake him.
▪ almost , nearly
▪ with
The top of the water came ~ with her chin.
Level is used with these nouns: ↑ crossing , ↑ flight , ↑ gaze , ↑ ground , ↑ head , ↑ score , ↑ surface , ↑ tone