v. 1 proffer, propose, tender, bid They offered twice what I had paid for it She offered to buy my old car. 2 make available, present, tender, put on the market, sell, put up for sale, put up, furnish The supermarket is offering lettuce at half price 3 proffer, provide, submit, put forward or forth, advance, tender, extend, make; suggest Can you offer a suggestion for improving office efficiency? He offered to forget the whole thing if I paid him $1000 4 volunteer, present oneself, step or come forward I offered to help with her luggage
n. 5 proposal, bid, tender, offering She said she would double any offer we have already had for the painting 6 proposal, presentation, proffer, proposition The company said they could entertain no offers past the deadline My offer to lend the money was contingent on being repaid.