Meaning of PLUG in English

n. 1 stopper, stopple, bung, cork If you pull the plug out, the water will run out 2 chew, twist, quid, wad, pigtail, cavendish As they forbade smoking, he would take snuff or chew a plug of tobacco 3 publicity, mention, promotion, recommendation, puff, blurb, PR; advertisement, Colloq advert, hype His book was given a plug on yesterday's evening news

v. 4 Often, plug up. stop (up), close (up or off), seal (off or up), cork, stopper, bung, block, jam, stuff, clog, obstruct, dam (up) A piece of soap has plugged the drain 5 publicize, mention, promote, push, advertise, puff, commend, Colloq boost, beat the drum for It wasn't right to plug her brother's company in her article on double glazing 6 See plod, 2, above.

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