v. & n.
1. tr. act against with (esp. armed) force.
2 tr. seek to hurt or defeat.
3 tr. criticize adversely.
4 tr. act harmfully upon (a virus attacking the nervous system).
5 tr. vigorously apply oneself to; begin work on (attacked his meal with gusto).
6 intr. make an attack.
7 intr. be in a mode of attack.
1. the act or process of attacking.
2 an offensive operation or mode of behaviour.
3 Mus. the action or manner of beginning a piece, passage, etc.
4 gusto, vigour.
5 a sudden occurrence of an illness.
6 a player or players seeking to score goals etc.
attacker n.
Etymology: F attaque, attaquer f. It. attacco attack, attaccare ATTACH