Meaning of COMPLEX in English

n. & adj.


1. a building, a series of rooms, a network, etc. made up of related parts (the arts complex).

2 Psychol. a related group of usu. repressed feelings or thoughts which cause abnormal behaviour or mental states (see inferiority complex (see OEDIPUS COMPLEX)).

3 (in general use) a preoccupation or obsession (has a complex about punctuality).

4 Chem. a compound in which molecules or ions form coordinate bonds to a metal atom or ion.


1. consisting of related parts; composite.

2 complicated (a complex problem).

3 Math. containing real and imaginary parts (cf. IMAGINARY).

Phrases and idioms:

complex sentence a sentence containing a subordinate clause or clauses.


complexity n. (pl. -ies). complexly adv.

Etymology: F complexe or L complexus past part. of complectere embrace, assoc. with complexus plaited

Oxford English vocab.      Оксфордский английский словарь.