1. v., n., & adv.
1. intr. & tr. make or cause to make a loud smashing noise (the cymbals crashed; crashed the plates together).
2 tr. & intr. throw, drive, move, or fall with a loud smashing noise.
3 intr. & tr. a collide or cause (a vehicle) to collide violently with another vehicle, obstacle, etc.; overturn at high speed. b fall or cause (an aircraft) to fall violently on to the land or the sea (crashed the plane; the airman crashed into the sea).
4 intr. (usu. foll. by into) collide violently (crashed into the window).
5 intr. undergo financial ruin.
6 tr. colloq. enter without permission (crashed the cocktail party).
7 intr. colloq. be heavily defeated (crashed to a 4-0 defeat).
8 intr. Computing (of a machine or system) fail suddenly.
9 tr. colloq. pass (a red traffic-light etc.).
10 intr. (often foll. by out) sl. sleep for a night, esp. in an improvised setting.
1. a a loud and sudden smashing noise (a thunder crash; the crash of crockery). b a breakage (esp. of crockery, glass, etc.).
2 a a violent collision, esp. of one vehicle with another or with an object. b the violent fall of an aircraft on to the land or sea.
3 ruin, esp. financial.
4 Computing a sudden failure which puts a system out of action.
5 (attrib.) done rapidly or urgently (a crash course in first aid).
--adv. with a crash (the window went crash).
Phrases and idioms:
crash barrier a barrier intended to prevent a car from leaving the road etc. crash-dive
1. intr. a (of a submarine or its pilot) dive hastily and steeply in an emergency. b (of an aircraft or airman) dive and crash.
2 tr. cause to crash-dive.
--n. such a dive. crash-halt a sudden stop by a vehicle. crash-helmet a helmet worn esp. by a motorcyclist to protect the head in a crash. crash-land
1. intr. (of an aircraft or airman) land hurriedly with a crash, usu. without lowering the undercarriage.
2 tr. cause (an aircraft) to crash-land. crash landing a hurried landing with a crash. crash pad sl. a place to sleep, esp. in an emergency. crash-stop crash-halt. crash-tackle Football a vigorous tackle.
Etymology: ME: imit. 2. n. a coarse plain linen, cotton, etc., fabric.
Etymology: Russ. krashenina coloured linen