n. & v. (US draft)
1. a current of air in a confined space (e.g. a room or chimney).
2 pulling, traction.
3 Naut. the depth of water needed to float a ship.
4 the drawing of liquor from a cask etc.
5 a a single act of drinking. b the amount drunk in this. c a dose of liquid medicine.
6 (in pl.; usu. treated as sing.) Brit. a game for two played with 12 pieces each on a draughtboard.
7 a the drawing in of a fishing-net. b the fish taken at one drawing.
--v.tr. DRAFT.
Phrases and idioms:
draught beer beer drawn from a cask, not bottled. draught-horse a horse used for pulling heavy loads, esp. a cart or plough. feel the draught colloq. suffer from adverse (usu. financial) conditions.
Etymology: ME draht, perh. f. ON drahtr, dr{aacute}ttr f. Gmc, rel. to DRAW