— draughter , n.
/draft, drahft/ , n.
1. draughts , ( used with a sing. v. ) Brit. the game of checkers.
2. Chiefly Brit. draft (defs. 1, 3-10, 18-25, 28).
3. Chiefly Brit. draft (defs. 29-33).
4. Chiefly Brit. draft (def. 34).
5. Chiefly Brit. draft (defs. 36-38).
[ 1150-1200; ME draht (c. D dracht, G Tracht, ON drattr ); akin to OE dragan to DRAW, droht a pull (at the oars) ]
Pronunciation . DRAUGHT is a variant spelling of draft and is normally pronounced the same way, as /draft/ or /drahft/ or with a vowel somewhere between /a/ and /ah/ . A pronunciation /drawt/ is sometimes heard for DRAUGHT, perhaps because -aught is frequently pronounced /-awt/ elsewhere, as in caught and taught.