n. (pl. -ies)
1. a the act or an instance of going or coming in. b the coming of an actor on stage. c ceremonial entrance.
2 liberty to go or come in.
3 a a place of entrance; a door, gate, etc. b a lobby.
4 Brit. a passage between buildings.
5 the mouth of a river.
6 a an item entered in a diary, list, account-book, etc. b the recording of this.
7 a a person or thing competing in a race, contest, etc. b a list of competitors.
8 the start or resumption of music for a particular instrument in an ensemble.
9 Law the act of taking possession.
10 Bridge a the transfer of the lead to one's partner's hand. b a card providing this.
Phrases and idioms:
entry form an application form for a competition. entry permit an authorization to enter a particular country etc.
Etymology: ME f. OF entree ult. f. L intrare ENTER