/en"tree/ , n. , pl. entries .
1. an act of entering; entrance.
2. a place of ingress or entrance, esp. an entrance hall or vestibule.
3. permission or right to enter; access.
4. the act of entering or recording something in a book, register, list, etc.
5. the statement, item, etc., so entered or recorded.
6. a person or thing entered in a contest or competition.
7. See vocabulary entry .
8. Law. act of taking possession of lands or tenements by entering or setting foot on them.
9. the giving of an account of a ship's cargo at a custom house, to obtain permission to land the goods.
10. Accounting. the record of any transaction found in a bookkeeper's journal.
11. Bookkeeping.
a. See double entry .
b. See single entry .
12. Mining. adit (def. 2).
13. Also called entry card . Bridge. a winning card in one's hand or the hand of one's partner that gives the lead to one hand or the other.
[ 1250-1300; ME entre ( e ) entree intrata (n. use of fem. of intratus, ptp. of intrare to ENTER), equiv. to intr- enter + -ata -ATE 1 ]
Syn. 5. record, note, memo, jotting.